Labor's Detainee Fail

Demand the Government does better
to keep Australians safe

Albanese's Failure of Leadership

As Prime Minister, Albanese’s first responsibility is to keep Australians safe - but, his government has done the complete opposite.

The reason that almost 150 criminals, including murderers, paedophiles, sex offenders and a contract killer are back in the community is because of the sheer incompetence of Andrew Giles and Clare O’Neil.

It is the greatest failure in the Migration portfolios since boats arrived and Labor lost control of our borders when they were last in power.

Giles and O'Neil were shuffled out of their jobs in July, sent to wreck their next portfolio, and replaced by Tony Burke.

Their failure has lead to Australians being harmed. Demand that new Minister Tony Burke does better.

Tell Labor it's not good enough.

Demand that new Minister Tony Burke does better
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Released nearly 150 criminals, including murderers, paedophiles, sex offenders, and a contract killer into the community

Working Against Our Safety

Labor’s Attorney General Mark Dreyfus personally approved the taxpayer funded Australian Human Rights Commission to intervene against the Government in the NZYQ case.

Labor were briefed in June last year, three days after a directions hearing in the case of the detainee known as NZYQ, at which the judge gave a clear indication that the Commonwealth case to keep the detainee behind bars would likely fail.

Labor were too busy with their divisive Voice, and had no legislative options ready to go when the Government did indeed lose the case in November 2023.

Botched Ministerial Process

Former Immigration Minister Andrew Giles signed off on the legal facts that undermined Australia’s entire case;

The same Immigration Minister skipped three important legal briefings about this issue, to instead travel overseas for a Labour conference and to promote the Voice;

While his department was briefing his office on legal options in advance of the NZYQ case, Minister Giles was busy advocating at Voice rallies in Canberra and London when these briefings took place.

Then, Minister Giles gave ground and conceded ground willingly, unnecessarily and against our national interest.


Minister O’Neil failed to prepare for an expected High Court loss, and then falsely claimed she was advised she would win.

Lack of Action

Months after the release, the Albanese Government admitted it hasn’t made a single application to lock up any of these hardcore criminals released onto the streets despite rushing through the legislation ahead of Christmas giving them the powers to do so.

The Consequences

Among the 149 undesirables that Labor released, there were:

  • 1 contract killer,
  • 7 murderers,
  • 37 sex offenders, and;
  • 72 violent offenders
The Australian - 4 May 2024
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ABC News - 12 Feb 2024
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The Australian - 26 May 2024
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The visa was revoked after a series of convictions for knife crime, car theft and serious driving offences that left one victim with life-threatening injuries, but The Administrative Appeals Tribunal reversed a decision to cancel his visa under Direction 99 - an edict issued by Immigration Minister Andrew Giles in January 2023.
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